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Migration to UI5 Web Components 2.0

This guide will assist you in seamlessly transitioning from UI5 Web Components version 1.x to UI5 Web Components 2.0.


Changed itemOldNew
MethodDevice#isIEN/A (removed)
ModuleCSP.jsN/A (removed)
FeatureInputElementsFormSupportRemoved as natively supported
Decorator field@property({ defaltValue })N/A (removed)
Decorator field@property({ validator: DOMReference })Removed validator, Added converter - @property({ converter: DOMReference })


  • The UI5Element#render method has been removed in favor of the UI5Element#renderer method.

If you previously used render:

class MyClass extends UI5Element {
static get render() {
return litRenderer;

Now use renderer instead:

class MyClass extends UI5Element {
static get renderer() {
return litRenderer;

StaticArea, StaticAreaItem

Changed itemOldNew

This change mainly manifests in component development.

There used to be a so-called "static area" (ui5-static-area) - a DOM element directly in the <body> where the popups of all components were placed. This guaranteed that even if the HTML document had overflow: hidden, transform, or similar CSS rules applied, or the component was in a stacking context, its popup would still be positioned correctly.

There is no longer a need for a "static area" since the browser now ensures the correct positioning of popups thanks to the popover API that is fully adopted by the UI5 Web Components.

  • The StaticArea has been removed as it's unnecessary.

If you previously created a web component with a popup part, you had to define staticAreaTemplate and staticAreaStyles:

tag: "ui5-select",
template: SelectTemplate,
staticAreaTemplate: SelectPopoverTemplate,
styles: [
staticAreaStyles: [
class Select extends UI5Element {

Now, remove the staticAreaTemplate and staticAreaStyles settings as the popup part is rendered inside the component's ShadowDOM and there is no template and style separation as before:

tag: "ui5-select",
template: SelectTemplate,
styles: [
class Select extends UI5Element {
  • The UI5Element.getSaticAreaItemDomRef method has been removed as it's unnecessary.

If you previously accessed the component's popup part (for example the dropdown of Select) via the StaticArea:

const staticAreaItem = await this.getSaticAreaItemDomRef();

Now query the popup from inside the component's ShadowDOM directly:



These changes are related to the component development.


The defaultValue field of the @property decorator has been removed. Providing initial (default) values for the properties used to be part of the @property decorator with a defaultValue field. The defaultValue used to have two mixed usages:

  • to provide an initial value if none is given
  • to provide a fallback value if an invalid value is given by the app developer (mostly for numbers and enum

If you have previously used the @property decorator and set the defaultValue field:

@property({ defaultValue: "abc" })
name!: string;

@property({ type: PageBackgroundDesign, defaultValue: PageBackgroundDesign.Solid })
backgroundDesign!: `${PageBackgroundDesign}`;

Now, component development is switching to the standard way of using property initializers:

  • Initial Values: they are no longer magically provided by the framework. Properties should be either optional or initialized, and very rarely (for complex objects) described as non-null

  • Fallback values: all runtime checks for properties (especially enumerations) are removed. All type-checking is left to the TypeScript compiler and assigning an invalid value to an enumeration or a number/boolean field is considered a bug that should be fixed, instead of the framework silently masking it by providing a fallback value.

- @property({ defaultValue: "abc" })
- name!: string;
+ @property()
+ name = "abc";
- @property({ type: PageBackgroundDesign, defaultValue: PageBackgroundDesign.Solid })
- backgroundDesign!: `${PageBackgroundDesign}`;
+ @property()
+ backgroundDesign: `${PageBackgroundDesign}` = "Solid";
@property({ type: Boolean })
- noScrolling!: boolean;
+ noScrolling = false;


  • The validator field of the @property decorator has been removed. You can use the newly introduced converter field to define how the framework should convert the attribute to the property and vice versa. It has the following signature:
converter?: {
fromAttribute(value: string | null, type: unknown): string | number | boolean | null | undefined,
toAttribute(value: unknown, type: unknown): string | null,

If you previously used validator: Integer:

  @property({ validator: Integer, defaultValue: 0 })
progress!: number;

Now use type: Number instead:

converter?: {
@property({ type: Number })
progress = 0;

If you previously used validator: DOMReference:

converter?: {
@property({ validator: DOMReference, defaultValue: "" })
opener!: HTMLElement | string

Now use the converter instead:

@property({ converter: DOMReference })
opener?: HTMLElement | string;


  • The Device#isIE method has been removed and is no longer available - the IE browser is not supported anymore.


  • The CSP.js module has been removed and the creation of <style> and <link> tags, as all browsers now support adoptedStyleSheets and adoptedStyleSheets as CSP-compliant by design.

If you previously imported:

import { setUseLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPackageCSSRoot } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"
import { setPreloadLinks } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CSP.js"

Now remove the imports:

// The `adoptedStyleSheets` as CSP-compliant by design


  • The @ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.js feature has been removed. Previously, the feature was required to make all form-associated web components (CheckBox, Inpuit, Select, etc) work in HTML forms properly. Now, with adopting the ElementInternals API all form-associated web components work natively in HTML form elements.

If you previously imported:

import "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.js";

Now remove the import as it's not available, but more importantly - it's unnecessary.

// All form elements work natively in HTML form elements


  • The Belize theme has been removed and is no longer available

If you previously used Belize:


Now the framework will fallback to Horizon:

setTheme(“Belize”); // fallbacks to Horizon



Changed itemOldNew
design default valueSet3Neutral
Propertydesignno longer accepts Set3 as value
Property Defaultwrapping-type="Normal"wrapping-type="None"
  • The Badge ui5-badge has been renamed to Tag ui5-tag.

If you previously used the ui5-badge:


Now use ui5-tag instead:

  • The design property has a new default value Neutral instead of Set3. Set3 is no longer a valid value for the design property.

  • The wrappintType default value has been changed from None to Normal and the Tag's text will wrap by default.

If you previously set wrapping-type="Normal":

<ui5-tag wrapping-type="Normal"></ui5-tag>

Now, it's not necessary and can be removed:


If you previously did not use the property at all:


Now, you need to set wrapping-type="None" to keep text truncating:

<ui5-tag wrapping-type="None"></ui5-tag>


Changed itemOldNew
separators type enumerationBreadcrumbsSeparatorStyleBreadcrumbsSeparator
  • The separator-style property is renamed to separators and the BreadcrumbsSeparatorStyle enum is renamed to BreadcrumbsSeparator.

If you previously used the separator-style property:

<ui5-breadcrumbs separator-style="Slash">

Now use separators instead:

<ui5-breadcrumbs separators="Slash">


Changed itemOldNew
Propertysizevalues have changed, f.e. Small to S
  • The size property now accepts different values. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-busy-indicator size="Small"></ui5-busy-indicator>

Now use the new values instead:

<ui5-busy-indicator size="S"></ui5-busy-indicator>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The boolean property iconEnd that used to define the placement of the icon (to the start or to the end) has been replaced by the the string property endIcon, defining the icon, displayed at the end.

If you previously set icon and icon-end to display an icon after the Button's text:

<ui5-button icon="home" icon-end>Button</ui5-button>

Now, you must use the new property:

<ui5-button end-icon="home">Button</ui5-button>

Furthermore, this allows the displaying of two icons - to the start and to the end:

<ui5-button icon="employee" end-icon="home">Button</ui5-button>


Changed itemOldNew
Range Selectionui5-dateui5-date-range
  • The event selected-dates-change is renamed to selection-change. In addition the event details values and dates are renamed to selectedValues and selectedDateValues.

    If you previously used the Calendar event as follows:

myCalendar.addEventListener("selected-dates-change", () => {
const values = e.detail.values;
const dates = e.detail.dates;

Now you have to use the new event name and details:

myCalendar.addEventListener("selection-change", () => {
const values = event.detail.selectedValues;
const dates = event.detail.selectedDateValues;
  • The dates slot in the Calendar now works with a ui5-date-range when selection-mode="Range". If you previously defined date ranges as follows:
<ui5-calendar selection-mode="Range">
<ui5-date value="Jan 20, 2021"></ui5-date>
<ui5-date value="Jan 30, 2021"></ui5-date>

Now, they are declared using the ui5-date-range:

<ui5-calendar selection-mode="Range">
<ui5-date-range start-value="Jan 20, 2021" end-value="Jan 30, 2021"></ui5-date-range>


Changed itemOldNew
TS InterfaceICardHeaderCardHeader type
  • The ICardHeader interface has been removed.

If you previously used the interface

import type { ICardHeader } from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/Card.js"

Use the CardHeader type instead:

import type CardHeader from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/CardHeader.js"


Changed itemOldNew
CSS Shadow partstatusadditional-text
  • The status property and its shadow part have been renamed.

If you previously used them:

.cardHeader::part(status) { ... }
<ui5-card-header status="3 of 10"></ui5-popover>

Now use additionalText instead:

.cardHeader::part(additional-text) { ... }
<ui5-card-header class="cardHeader" additional-text="3 of 10"></ui5-card-header>
Changed itemOldNew
Propertyitems-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-litems-per-page
  • The pageIndicatorStyle is no longer exists.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-carousel page-indicator-style="Numeric"></ui5-carousel>

Now you should use pageIndicatorType instead:

<ui5-carousel page-indicator-type="Numeric"></ui5-carousel>
  • Properties items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m, items-per-page-l are replaced by a single property items-per-page, which also adds XL size

If previously you have used:

<ui5-carousel items-per-page-s="3" items-per-page-m="3" items-per-page-l="3">

Now use:

<ui5-carousel items-per-page="S3 M3 L3 XL3">


Changed itemOldNew
MethodopenPopoverN/A (removed)
MethodshowAtN/A (removed)
  • The openPopover and showAt methods are removed in favor of open and opener properties.

If you previously used the imperative API:

button.addEventListener("click", function(event) {

Now the declarative API should be used instead:

<ui5-button id="opener">Open</ui5-button>
<ui5-color-palette-popover opener="opener">
button.addEventListener("click", function(event) { = !;


Changed itemOldNew
  • The property color is renamed to value.

If you previously used the change event of the ColorPicker as follows:

<ui5-color-picker color="red"></ui5-color-picker>

Now you have to use it like this:

<ui5-color-picker value="red"></ui5-color-picker>


Changed itemOldNew
Property Defaultwrapping-type="Normal"wrapping-type="None"
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-checkbox value-state="Error"></ui5-checkbox>
<ui5-checkbox value-state="Warning"></ui5-checkbox>
<ui5-checkbox value-state="Success"></ui5-checkbox>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-checkbox value-state="Negative"></ui5-checkbox>
<ui5-checkbox value-state="Critical"></ui5-checkbox>
<ui5-checkbox value-state="Positive"></ui5-checkbox>
  • The wrappintType default value has been changed from None to Normal and the CheckBox text will wrap by default.

If you previously set wrapping-type="Normal":

<ui5-checkbox wrapping-type="Normal"></ui5-checkbox>

Now, it's unnecessary and can be removed as the text will wrap by default:


If you previously did not use the property at all:


Now, you need to set wrapping-type="None" to keep the text truncating:

<ui5-checkbox wrapping-type="None"></ui5-checkbox>


Changed itemOldNew
Groupingflat structurenested structure
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-combobox value-state="Error"></ui5-combobox>
<ui5-combobox value-state="Warning"></ui5-combobox>
<ui5-combobox value-state="Success"></ui5-combobox>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-combobox value-state="Negative"></ui5-combobox>
<ui5-combobox value-state="Critical"></ui5-combobox>
<ui5-combobox value-state="Positive"></ui5-combobox>
  • The ui5-cb-group-item web component has been replaced by ui5-cb-item-group. Furthermore, grouping is now implemented with a hierarchical structure, e.g. nesting.

If you previously used the ui5-cb-group-item web component as separator to define groups in a flat structure:

<ui5-combobox placeholder="Select a country">
<ui5-cb-group-item text="Asia"></ui5-cb-group-item>
<ui5-cb-item text="Afghanistan"></ui5-cb-item>
<ui5-cb-item text="China"></ui5-cb-item>
<ui5-cb-group-item text="Europe"></ui5-cb-group-item>
<ui5-cb-item text="Austria"></ui5-cb-item>
<ui5-cb-item text="Bulgaria"></ui5-cb-item>

Now use the ui5-cb-item-group web component and nest ui5-cb-item web components inside to form a group in a hierarchical structure:

<ui5-combobox placeholder="Select a country">
<ui5-cb-item-group header-text="Asia">
<ui5-cb-item text="Algeria"></ui5-cb-item>

<ui5-cb-item-group header-text="Europe">
<ui5-cb-item text="Austria"></ui5-cb-item>


Changed itemOldNew
ClassComboBoxGroupItem ComboBoxItemGroup


import "@ui5/webcompoennts/dist/ComboBoxGroupItem.js"
  <ui5-cb-group-item text="Asia"></ui5-cb-group-item>


import "@ui5/webcompoennts/dist/ComboBoxItemGroup.js"
  <ui5-cb-item-group header-text="Asia">
<ui5-cb-item text="Algeria"></ui5-cb-item>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-date-picker value-state="Error"></ui5-date-picker>
<ui5-date-picker value-state="Warning"></ui5-date-picker>
<ui5-date-picker value-state="Success"></ui5-date-picker>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-date-picker value-state="Negative"></date-picker>
<ui5-date-picker value-state="Critical"></date-picker>
<ui5-date-picker value-state="Positive"></ui5-date-picker>
Changed itemOldNew
MethodopenPicker, closePicker, isOpenopen
  • The methods openPicker(), closePicker() and isOpen() are replaced by open property.

If you previously used openPicker(), closePicker() or isOpen:

const datePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID");

Now use the open property instead:

const datePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID"); = true; = false;


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Error"></ui5-datetime-picker>
<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Warning"></ui5-datetime-picker>
<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Success"></ui5-datetime-picker>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Negative"></ui5-datetime-picker>
<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Critical"></ui5-datetime-picker>
<ui5-datetime-picker value-state="Positive"></ui5-datetime-picker>
Changed itemOldNew
MethodopenPicker, closePicker, isOpenopen
  • The methods openPicker(), closePicker() and isOpen() are replaced by open property.

If you previously used openPicker(), closePicker() or isOpen:

const datetimePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID");

Now use the open property respectively:

const datetimePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID"); = true; = false;


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Error"></ui5-daterange-picker>
<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Warning"></ui5-daterange-picker>
<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Success"></ui5-daterange-picker>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Negative"></ui5-daterange-picker>
<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Critical"></ui5-daterange-picker>
<ui5-daterange-picker value-state="Positive"></ui5-daterange-picker>
Changed itemOldNew
MethodopenPicker, closePicker, isOpenopen
  • The methods openPicker(), closePicker() and isOpen() are replaced by open property.

If you previously used openPicker(), closePicker() or isOpen:

const dateRangePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID");

Now use the open property respectively:

const dateRangePicker = document.getElementById("exampleID"); = true; = false;


Changed itemOldNew
MethodisOpen, close, showopen property
PropertyN/ApreventInitialFocus property
  • The show and close public methods have been removed. Use the public property open instead.

If you previously used:;

use the open property instead: = true;
... = false;
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-dialog state="Error"></ui5-dialog>
<ui5-dialog state="Warning"></ui5-dialog>
<ui5-dialog state="Success"></ui5-dialog>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-dialog state="Negative"></ui5-dialog>
<ui5-dialog state="Critical"></ui5-dialog>
<ui5-dialog state="Positive"></ui5-dialog>
  • Methods isOpen and close are no longer present. Now open property can be used instead.


let isOpen = dialog.isOpen();


let isOpen =; = false;
  • Method show is no longer present. Use open property instead.


Now: = true;
  • Parameter preventInitialFocus from method show is added as a property.



dialog.preventInitalFocus = true; = true;
  • The events after-close and after-open have been renamed to open and close respectively.

If you previously used the events like:

popover.addEventListener("after-open", (event) => {
popover.addEventListener("after-close", (event) => {

Now, you must use the new names:

popover.addEventListener("open", (event) => {
popover.addEventListener("close", (event) => {


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Error"></ui5-file-uploader>
<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Warning"></ui5-file-uploader>
<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Success"></ui5-file-uploader>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Negative"></ui5-file-uploader>
<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Critical"></ui5-file-uploader>
<ui5-file-uploader value-state="Positive"></ui5-file-uploader>


  • The properties interactive and accessibleRole have been removed and replaced by property mode with the following values
  • Image (default): the icon will have role="img".
  • Interactive: the icon will have role="button" and focus and press handling to enhance interactivity.
  • Decorative: the icon will have role="presentation" and aria-hidden="true", making it purely decorative without semantic content or interactivity.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-icon name="home" accessible-role="img"></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon name="home" interactive></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon name="home" accessible-role="presentation" aria-hidden="true"></ui5-icon>

Now use the new mode property instead:

<ui5-icon name="home" mode="Image" ></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon name="home" mode="Interactive"></ui5-icon>
<ui5-icon name="home" mode="Decorative"></ui5-icon>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-input value-state="Error"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Warning"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Success"></ui5-input>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-input value-state="Negative"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Critical"></ui5-input>
<ui5-input value-state="Positive"></ui5-input>
  • The openPicker method has been removed and replaced by the open property.

If you previously used the openPicker() method to open the Input suggestions:


Now, you must use the open property = true;
  • The suggestion-item-preview event has been renamed to selection-change

If you previously attached to the suggestion-item-preview event:

input.addEventListener("suggestion-item-preview", event => { const { item, targetRef } = event.detail;});

Now you should attach to the selection-change event:

input.addEventListener("selection-change", event => { const { item, targetRef } = event.detail;});

Note: The event details remain the same. The only difference is that item and targetRef may be null, because the selection-change event is also fired when the input value no longer matches a selected suggestion.

  • The suggestion-item-select event has been removed.

If you previously attached to the suggestion-item-select event to detect which suggestion item has been selected by the user:

input.addEventListener("suggestion-item-select", event => { 
const suggestionItem = event.detail.item;

Now, attach to the selection-change event to get the selected item the change event to check if the input value matches the selected item:

let suggestionItem;

input.addEventListener("selection-change", (event) => {
suggestionItem = event.detail.item;

input.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
if( && suggestionItem &&
( === suggestionItem.text)){
// do something with the suggestion item

The property previewItem, which returned the current suggestion item on preview, is no longer present. The user can listen to the selection-change event to understand which suggestion item is on the preview.

  • The read-only property previewItem has been removed

If you previously used the previewItem read-only property to get the suggestion item under preview:

const suggestionItemOnPreview = input.previewItem;

Now, attach to the selection-change to get the previewed suggestion item:

input.addEventListener("selection-change", event => { 
const suggestionItemOnPreview = event.detail.item;

### ui5-suggestion-item

| Changed item | Old | New |
| Property | `type` | Removed|
| Property | `description` | Removed|
| Property | `icon` | Removed|
| Property | `iconEnd` | Removed|
| Property | `image` | Removed|
| Property | `additionalTextState` | Removed|

- The properties `type`, `description`, `icon`, `iconEnd`, `image`, and `additionalTextState` have been removed in favor of the newly introduced `ui5-suggestion-item-custom` web component that allows user-defined content.

If you previously used the `ui5-suggestion-item` web component and any of the removed properties:

<ui5-input show-suggestions>
<ui5-suggestion-item icon="home" description="my description"></ui5-suggestion-item>

Now use ui5-suggestion-item-custom web component with user-defined content and styles, for exmaple:

.content {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

.titles {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

.green {
color: green;

<ui5-input show-suggestions>
<div class="content">
<ui5-icon name="globe"></ui5-icon>
<div class='titles'>
<span>${generateHighlightedMarkup(country, value)}</span>

<span class='green'><b>EU</b></span>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The ui5-suggestion-group-item web component has been replaced by ui5-suggestion-item-group. Furthermore, grouping is now implemented with a hierarchical structure, e.g. nesting.

If you previously used ui5-suggestion-group-item web component as a separator in a flat structure:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/SuggestionGroupItem.js";
<ui5-input show-suggestions>
<ui5-suggestion-group-item text="Group">
<ui5-suggestion-item text="Group Item 1"></ui5-suggestion-item>
<ui5-suggestion-item text="Group Item 2"></ui5-suggestion-item>

Now use the ui5-suggestion-item-group web component and nest ui5-suggestion-item web components inside:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/SuggestionItemGroup.js";
<ui5-input show-suggestions>
<ui5-suggestion-item-group header-text="Group">
<ui5-suggestion-item text="Group Item 1"></ui5-suggestion-item>
<ui5-suggestion-item text="Group Item 2"></ui5-suggestion-item>


Changed itemOldNew
Eventopen-changeopen, close
Groupingflat structurenested structure
  • The open-change event has been replaced by open and close events, fired when the dropdown is opened or closed.

If you previously listened for open-change:

input.addEventListener("open-change", (event) => {});

Now, you must attach for open and close events:

input.addEventListener("open", (event) => {});
input.addEventListener("close", (event) => {});
  • The ui5-mcb-group-item component has been replaced by ui5-mcb-item-group. Furthermore, grouping is now implemented with a hierarchical structure, e.g. nesting.

If you previously used the ui5-mcb-group-item web component as a separator to define groups in a flat structure:

<ui5-multi-combobox placeholder="Select a country">
<ui5-mcb-group-item text="Asia"></ui5-mcb-group-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="Afghanistan"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="China"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-group-item text="Europe"></ui5-mcb-group-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="Austria"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="Bulgaria"></ui5-mcb-item>

Now, you must use the ui5-mcb-item-group web component and nest ui5-mcb-item web components inside to form a group in a hierarchical structure:

<ui5-multi-combobox placeholder="Select a country">
<ui5-mcb-item-group text="Asia">
<ui5-mcb-item text="Afghanistan"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="China"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-item-group text="Europe">
<ui5-mcb-item text="Austria"></ui5-mcb-item>
<ui5-mcb-item text="Bulgaria"></ui5-mcb-item>
  • The allowCustomValues property has been renamed to noValidation.

If you previously used the allowCustomValues property:

<ui5-multi-combobox allow-custom-values></ui5-multi-combobox>

Now use noValidation instead:

<ui5-multi-combobox no-validation></ui5-multi-combobox>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-multi-input value-state="Error"></ui5-multi-input>
<ui5-multi-input value-state="Warning"></ui5-multi-input>
<ui5-multi-input value-state="Success"></ui5-multi-input>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-multi-input value-state="Negative"></ui5-multi-input>
<ui5-multi-input value-state="Critical"></ui5-multi-input>
<ui5-multi-input value-state="Positive"></ui5-multi-input>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The busy and busyDelay have been renamed to loading and loadingDelay.

If you previously used the busy, busyDelay properties:

<ui5-menu header-text="My ui5-menu" busy busy-delay="100"><ui5-menu>

Now use loading and loadingDelay instead:

<ui5-menu header-text="My ui5-menu" loading loading-delay="100"><ui5-menu>
  • Event names after-close and after-open have been renamed open and close.

If previously subscribed to the events as follows:

menu.addEventListener("after-open", function() {
menu.addEventListener("after-close", function() {

Now use the new event names instead:

menu.addEventListener("open", function() {
menu.addEventListener("close", function() {


Changed itemOldNew
  • The startsSection property has been removed and replaced by a separator web component ui5-menu-separator.

If you previously used startsSection to identify the ui5-menu-item starts new section and draw a line before it:

<ui5-menu-item text="Item A"></ui5-menu-item>
<ui5-menu-item text="Item B" starts-section></ui5-menu-item>

Now, you can use the ui5-menu-separator as a regular item inside the ui5-menu:

<ui5-menu-item text="Item A"></ui5-menu-item>
<ui5-menu-item text="Item B"></ui5-menu-item>
  • The busy and busyDelay have been renamed to loading and loadingDelay.

If you previously used the busy and busyDelay properties:

<ui5-menu-item text="Open" icon="open-folder" busy busy-delay="100"><ui5-menu-item

Now use loading and loadingDelay instead:

<ui5-menu-item text="Open" icon="open-folder" loading loading-delay="100"><ui5-menu-item>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The property values Warning are renamed to Critical. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-message-strip design="Warning"></ui5-message-strip>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-message-strip design="Critical"></ui5-message-strip>


Changed itemOldNew
Property Defaultwrapping-type="Normal"wrapping-type="None"
  • The wrappintType default value has been changed from None to Normal and the Label will wrap by default.

If you previously set wrapping-type="Normal":

<ui5-label wrapping-type="Normal"></ui5-label>

Now, it's unnecessary and can be removed as the text will wrap by default:


If you previously did not use the property at all:


Now, you need to set wrapping-type="None" to keep the text truncating:

<ui5-label wrapping-type="None"></ui5-label>


Changed itemOldNew
PropertyimageN/A (removed)
Property TypeaccessibleRole="menuitem, listitem, treeitem"accessibleRole="MenuItem, ListItem, TreeItem"
  • The web component class has been renamed from StandardListItem to ListItemStandard.

If you previously imported the class as follows:

import StandardListItem from "@ui5/webcomponents/StandardListItem.js";

Now, change the import to:

import ListItemStandard from "@ui5/webcomponents/ListItemStandard.js";
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-li highlight="Error"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li highlight="Warning"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li highlight="Success"></ui5-li>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-li highlight="Negative"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li highlight="Critical"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li highlight="Positive"></ui5-li>
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-li additional-text-state="Error"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li additional-text-state="Warning"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li additional-text-state="Success"></ui5-li>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-li additional-text-state="Negative"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li additional-text-state="Critical"></ui5-li>
<ui5-li additional-text-state="Positive"></ui5-li>
  • The image property has been removed and the imageContent slot has been renamed to image.

If you previously used the image property:

<ui5-li image="./img/HT-1022.jpg">Standard List Item</ui5-li>

or the imageContent slot:

<ui5-li> Avatar inside imageContent slot
<ui5-avatar slot="imageContent" shape="Square" initials="ABC" color-scheme="Accent2"></ui5-avatar>

Now use the image slot instead:

<ui5-li> Avatar inside image slot
<img src="" slot="image" />
  • The accessibleRole property has been updated from a string type to an enum type ListItemAccessibleRole. The available options for the ui5-li:

  • ListItem- Represents the ARIA role "listitem". (by default)

  • MenuItem - Represents the ARIA role "menuitem".

  • TreeItem - Represents the ARIA role "treeitem".

  • Option - Represents the ARIA role "option".

  • None - Represents the ARIA role "none".

If you previously used the lowercase values:

<ui5-li accessible-role="menuitem"> List Item</ui5-li>

Now use the enum values instead:

<ui5-li accessible-role="MenuItem"> List Item</ui5-li>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The web component class has been renamed from CustomListItem to ListItemCustom.

If you previously imported the class as follows:

import CustomListItem from "@ui5/webcomponents/CustomListItem.js";

Now, change the import to:

import ListItemCustom from "@ui5/webcomponents/ListItemCustom.js";


Changed itemOldNew
PropertymodeselectionMode + additionally the values of ListMode have changed
Property TypeaccessibleRole="menu, lsitbox, tree"accessibleRole="Menu, ListBox, Tree"
Groupingflat structurenested strucure
  • The busy and busyDelay properties have been renamed to loading and loadingDelay.

If you previously used the busy, busyDelay properties:

<ui5-list busy busy-delay="500"></ui5-list>

Now use loading and loadingDelay instead:

<ui5-list loading loading-delay="500"></ui5-list>
  • The mode propertie has been renamed to selectionMode. Additionally th mode values have changed.

If you previously used the mode property and the ListMode values:

<ui5-list mode="SingleSelect">
<ui5-list mode="MultiSelect">

Now use selectionMode and the ListSelectionMode values: Single, Multiple:

<ui5-list selection-mode="Single">
<ui5-list selection-mode="Multiple">
  • The enum ListSeparators has been renamed to ListSeparator (singular form).

If you previously imported the ListSeparators:

import ListSeparators from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/ListSeparators.js";
import type ListSeparators from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/ListSeparators.js";

Now, import the ListSeparator enumeration as follows:

import ListSeparator from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/ListSeparator.js";
import type ListSeparator from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/ListSeparator.js";
  • The grouping of list items is supported with different APIs - the ui5-li-groupheader web component is removed and groups can be formed with the ui5-li-group.

Instead of using ui5-li-groupheader as a separator in a flat structure:

<ui5-li>Delete Product</ui5-li>
<ui5-li>Audit Log Settings</ui5-li>

Use the ui5-li-group with the header-text property and nest ui5-li web components in the hierarchical structure:

<ui5-li-group header-text="Actions">
<ui5-li>Delete Product</ui5-li>
<ui5-li>Audit Log Settings</ui5-li>
  • The accessibleRole property has been updated from a string type to an enum type ListAccessibleRole. The available options for the ui5-list:
  • List- Represents the ARIA role "list". (by default)
  • Menu - Represents the ARIA role "menu".
  • Tree - Represents the ARIA role "tree".
  • ListBox - Represents the ARIA role "listbox".

If you previously used:

<ui5-list accessible-role="tree"> List </ui5-list>

Now use the enum values instead:

<ui5-list accessible-role="Tree"> List </ui5-list>
Changed itemOldNew
Property Defaultwrapping-type="Normal"wrapping-type="None"
  • The wrappintType default value has been changed from None to Normal and the Link's text will wrap by default.

If you previously set wrapping-type="Normal":

<ui5-link wrapping-type="Normal"></ui5-link>

Now, it's unnecessary and can be removed as the text will wrap by default:


If you previously did not use the property at all:


Now, you need to set wrapping-type="None" to keep the text truncating:

<ui5-link wrapping-type="None"></ui5-link>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The property values Warning are renamed to Critical.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-message-strip design="Warning"></ui5-message-strip>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-message-strip design="Critical"></ui5-message-strip>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The allowCustomValues property has been renamed to noValidation.

If you previously used the allowCustomValues property

<ui5-multi-combobox allow-custom-values></ui5-multi-combobox>

Now use noValidation instead:

<ui5-multi-combobox no-validation></ui5-multi-combobox>
Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Error"></ui5-multi-combobox>
<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Warning"></ui5-multi-combobox>
<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Success"></ui5-multi-combobox>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Negative"></ui5-multi-combobox>
<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Critical"></ui5-multi-combobox>
<ui5-multi-combobox value-state="Positive"></ui5-multi-combobox>
Changed itemOldNew
  • The change event used to be fired while navigating between the suggestion items but not anymore since this is not considered a final change. The change event will be fired after the user confirms the changes in the input field - by focusout, pressing [Enter] key, or by selecting a suggestion item (by clicking or pressing [Enter] key over an item).

If you previously used change to track live changes within the suggestions:

input.addEventListener("change", (event) => {

Now use the selection-change event instead:

input.addEventListener("selection-change", (event) => {


Changed itemOldNew
PropertydisabledN/A (removed)
  • The disabled property of the ui5-option is removed.

If you previously used the disabled property:

<ui5-option disabled>Option</ui5-option>

Now, it won't take effect - rendering disabled options is not recommended from a UX perspective.



Changed itemOldNew
PropertyhorizontalAlignvalues have changed, f.e. Left to Start
placement type enumerationPopoverPlacementTypePopoverPlacement
MethodisOpen, close, showAtopen property
PropertyN/ApreventInitialFocus property
PropertyhideBackdropN/A (removed)
  • The Left and Right options have been renamed.

If you previously used them to set the placement or the alignment of the popover:

<ui5-popover horizontal-align="Left" placement-type="Left"></ui5-popover>

Now use Start or End instead:

<ui5-popover horizontal-align="Start" placement-type="Start"></ui5-popover>
  • The placementType property and the PopoverPlacementType enum have been renamed.

If you previously used the placementType property and the PopoverPlacementType

<ui5-popover placement-type="Bottom"></ui5-popover>
import PopoverPlacementType from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/PopoverPlacementType.js";

Now use placement instead:

import PopoverPlacement from "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/types/PopoverPlacement.js";
  • Methods isOpen and close are no longer present. Use open property instead.


let isOpen = popover.isOpen();


let isOpen =; = false;
  • Method showAt is no longer present. Use open and opener properties instead.




popover.opener = opener; = true;
  • Parameter preventInitialFocus from method showAt is added as a property.


popover.showAt(opener, true);


popover.preventInitalFocus = true;
popover.opener = opener; = true;
  • Property hideBackdrop is removed.

Previously the application developers could define a modal popover without a visible backdrop as follows:

<ui5-popover modal hide-backdrop>

Now the application developers can use the standard ::backdrop CSS selector

.transparentBackdrop::backdrop {
background: transparent;


<ui5-popover modal class="transparentBackdrop">
  • The events after-close and after-open have been renamed to open and close respectively.

If you previously used the events like:

popover.addEventListener("after-open", (event) => {
popover.addEventListener("after-close", (event) => {

Now you have to use it like:

popover.addEventListener("open", (event) => {
popover.addEventListener("close", (event) => {


Changed itemOldNew
  • The disabled property of the ui5-progress-indicator is removed.

If you previously used the disabled property, it won't take effect:

<ui5-progress-indicator disabled value="60"></ui5-progress-indicator>
Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Error"></ui5-rogress-indicator>
<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Warning"></ui5-rogress-indicator>
<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Success"></ui5-rogress-indicator>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Negative"></ui5-rogress-indicator>
<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Critical"></ui5-rogress-indicator>
<ui5-rogress-indicator value-state="Positive"></ui5-rogress-indicator>


Changed itemOldNew
Property Defaultwrapping-type="Normal"wrapping-type="None"
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-radio-button value-state="Error"></ui5-radio-button>
<ui5-radio-button value-state="Warning"></ui5-radio-button>
<ui5-radio-button value-state="Success"></ui5-radio-button>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-radio-button value-state="Negative"></ui5-radio-button>
<ui5-radio-button value-state="Critical"></ui5-radio-button>
<ui5-radio-button value-state="Positive"></ui5-radio-button>
  • The wrappintType default value has been changed from None to Normal and the RadioButton text will wrap by default. If you previously set wrapping-type="Normal":
<ui5-radio-button wrapping-type="Normal"></ui5-radio-button>

Now, it's not necessary and can be removed:


Now, it's unnecessary and can be removed as the text will wrap by default:


Now, you need to set wrapping-type="None" to keep the text truncating:

<ui5-radio-button wrapping-type="None"></ui5-radio-button>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-select value-state="Error"></ui5-select>
<ui5-select value-state="Warning"></ui5-select>
<ui5-select value-state="Success"></ui5-select>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-select value-state="Negative"></ui5-select>
<ui5-select value-state="Critical"></ui5-select>
<ui5-select value-state="Positive"></ui5-select>

ui5-select-menu, ui5-select-menu-option

Changed itemOldNew
  • The ui5-select-menu and ui5-select-menu-option components are removed. Custom options can now be created using the ui5-option-custom, directly placed inside the default slot of the ui5-select.

If you previously used the ui5-select-menu and ui5-select-menu-option:

<ui5-select menu="selectMenu"></ui5-select>

<ui5-select-menu id="selectMenu">
<div class="optionContent">custom</div>

Now use ui5-select and ui5-option-custom instead:

<div class="optionContent">custom</div>


Changed itemOldNew
Readonly PropertyselectedItemselectedItems
  • The property mode has been renamed to selectionMode. The selection modes are renamed from SingleSelect and MultiSelect to Single and Multiple.

If you previously used it as follows:

<ui5-segmented-button mode="SingleSelect"></ui5-segmented-button>
<ui5-segmented-button mode="MultiSelect"></ui5-segmented-button>

Now you have to use:

<ui5-segmented-button selection-mode="Single"></ui5-segmented-button>
<ui5-segmented-button selection-mode="Multiple"><ui5-segmented-button>
  • The pressed property has been renamed selected.

If you previously used pressed:

<ui5-segmented-button-item pressed> Option 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 3</ui5-segmented-button-item>

Now use selected instead:

<ui5-segmented-button-item selected> Option 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Option 3</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  • The read-only getter selectedItem has been replaced by selectedItems as multiple items can be selected.


Changed itemOldNew
  • The property pressed has been renamed to selected.

If you previously used it as follows:

<ui5-segmented-button id="segButton1">
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Item 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item pressed>Item 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>

Now you have to use it as follows:

<ui5-segmented-button id="segButton1">
<ui5-segmented-button-item>Item 1</ui5-segmented-button-item>
<ui5-segmented-button-item selected>Item 2</ui5-segmented-button-item>
  • The property design has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.
  • The property iconEnd has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.
  • The property submits has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.
  • The property type has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.
  • The property accessibilityAttributes has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.
  • The property accessibleRole has been inherited but never had effect and it's now removed.


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive. If you previously used it like:
<ui5-step-input value-state="Error"></ui5-step-input>
<ui5-step-input value-state="Warning"></ui5-step-input>
<ui5-step-input value-state="Success"></ui5-step-input>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-step-input value-state="Negative"></ui5-step-input>
<ui5-step-input value-state="Critical"></ui5-step-input>
<ui5-step-input value-state="Positive"></ui5-step-input>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The activeIcon property is no longer present as dropped by specs. The active icon used to be displayed while the SplitButton is pressed. This is a behavior that is not recommended from a UX point of view.

If you previosuly used activeIcon:

<ui5-split-button icon="employee" active-icon="accept">Text</ui5-split-button>

Now, the property is not available and must not be set:

<ui5-split-button icon="employee">Text</ui5-split-button>


Changed itemOldNew
ClassTable, TableCell, TableRow, TableColumnMoved
  • The Table, TableCell, TableRow, and TableColumn that used to be part of the @ui5/webcomponents have been moved to a new package @ui5/webcomponents-compat. The classes are moved, but the tag names and the APIs remain the same.

If you previously used the Table from @ui5/webcomponents:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Table.js"; // ui5-table
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TableColumn.js"; // ui5-table-column
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TableRow.js"; // ui5-table-row`
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TableGroupRow.js";` // ui5-table-group-row
import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/TableCell.js"; // ui5-table-cell

Now, import the web components from @ui5/webcomponents-compat instead:

import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/Table.js"; // ui5-table
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableColumn.js"; // ui5-table-column
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableRow.js"; // ui5-table-row`
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableGroupRow.js";` // ui5-table-group-row
import "@ui5/webcomponents-compat/dist/TableCell.js"; // ui5-table-cell

Or, switch to the new v2 Table - the successor or the v1 Table: There is a brand new Table implementation in the @ui5/webcomponents package available since version 2.0 that will be the successor of the Table from version 1.0. However, for a short period the newly introduced v2 Table will be experimental (its API is subject to change) and until we productize it, we will maintain the v1 Table inside the @ui5/webcomponents-compat package. After removing the experimental flag of the v2 Table, we will deprecate and remove the v1 Table.


Changed itemOldNew
MethodopenPicker, closePicker & isOpenopen
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-time-picker value-state="Error"></ui5-time-picker>
<ui5-time-picker value-state="Warning"></ui5-time-picker>
<ui5-time-picker value-state="Success"></ui5-time-picker>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-time-picker value-state="Negative"></ui5-time-picker>
<ui5-time-picker value-state="Critical"></ui5-time-picker>
<ui5-time-picker value-state="Positive"></ui5-time-picker>
  • The methods openPicker(), closePicker(), and isOpen() have been removed in favor of the open property.

If you previously used openPicker() and closePicker() to toggle the TimePicker:


Now, you must use the open property to toggle the TimePicker: = true; = false;


Changed itemOldNew
PropertyfixedN/A (removed)
Type for backgroundDesignTabContainerBackgroundDesignBackgroundDesign
PropertyshowOverflowoverflowButton slot
TS interfaceITabN/A (removed)
  • The property fixed has been removed and there is no alternative provided. The TabContainer is no longer expandable/collapsible via use interaction. You can still show the TabContainer in collapsed mode via the collapsed property.

  • The property tabsOverflowMode has been renamed to overflowMode.

If you previously used:

<ui5-tabcontainer tabs-overflow-mode="StartAndEnd"></ui5-tabcontainer>

Now use:

<ui5-tabcontainer overflow-mode="StartAndEnd"></ui5-tabcontainer>
  • If you previously imported TabContainerBackgroundDesign, use BackgroundDesign instead.

  • The showOverflow property has been removed removed.

If previously you have used:

<ui5-tabcontainer show-overflow></ui5-tabcontainer>

Now use the overflowButton slot instead:

<ui5-button slot="startOverflowButton" id="startOverflowButton">Start</ui5-button>
<ui5-button slot="overflowButton" id="endOverflowButton">End</ui5-button>
  • You can no longer import and implement the ITab interface. TabContainer is designed to work only with Tab and TabSeparator classes and the interface has been obsolete.


Changed itemOldNew
  • The getTabInStripDomRef method has been renamed to getDomRefInStrip.

If previously you have used:


Now use:

  • The subTabs slot has been renamed to items.

If you previously used:

<ui5-tab id="nestedTab" slot="subTabs"></ui5-tab>

Now use the slot name:

<ui5-tab id="nestedTab" slot="items"></ui5-tab>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The getTabInStripDomRefmethod has been renamed togetDomRefInStrip`.

If previously used:


Now use:



Changed itemOldNew
  • The growingMaxLines property has been renamed to growingMaxRows.
Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-textarea value-state="Error"></ui5-textarea>
<ui5-textarea value-state="Warning"></ui5-textarea>
<ui5-textarea value-state="Success"></ui5-textarea>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-textarea value-state="Negative"></ui5-textarea>
<ui5-textarea value-state="Critical"></ui5-textarea>
<ui5-textarea value-state="Positive"></ui5-textarea>


Changed itemOldNew
wrappingType default valueNoneNormal
  • The default value of the wrappingType property has been changed from None to Normal.

Previously long texts would truncate if there is not enough space:

<ui5-title>some very very very long title</ui5-title> <!-- text will truncate if there is not enough space -->

Now, long texts would wrap:

<ui5-title>some very very very long title</ui5-title> <!-- text will wrap if there is not enough space -->

And you need to set wrapping-type="None" explicitly to make it truncate as before:

<ui5-title wrapping-type="None">some very very very long title</ui5-title> <!-- will truncate the text -->


Changed itemOldNew
PropertymodeselectionMode + additionally the values of ListMode have changed
  • The property mode has been renamed to selectionMode. Also, the mode values have changed.

If you previously used the mode property and the ListMode values:

<ui5-tree mode="SingleSelect">
<ui5-tree mode="MultiSelect">

Now use selectionMode and Single, Multiple, and the ListSelectionMode values instead:

<ui5-tree selection-mode="Single">
<ui5-tree selection-mode="Multiple">


Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-tree-item highlight="Error"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item highlight="Warning"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item highlight="Success"></ui5-tree-item>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-tree-item highlight="Negative"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item highlight="Critical"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item highlight="Success"></ui5-tree-item>
Changed itemOldNew
  • The valueState property values Error/Warning/Success are renamed to Negative/Critical/Positive.

If you previously used it like:

<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Error"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Warning"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Success"></ui5-tree-item>

Now you have to use it like:

<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Negative"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Critical"></ui5-tree-item>
<ui5-tree-item additional-text-state="Positive"></ui5-tree-item>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The after-close event has been renamed to close.

If you previously used it like:

toast.addEventListener("after-close", (event) => {

Now you have to use it like:

toast.addEventListener("close", (event) => {
  • The show method has been replaced by open property.

If you previously used the show() method:;

Now, you must use the open property:


Changed itemOldNew
  • The boolean property iconEnd that is used to define the placement of the icon (to the start or to the end) has been replaced by string property endIcon, defining the icon, displayed at the end.

If you previously set icon and icon-end to display an icon after the ToolbarButton's text:

<ui5-toolbar-button icon="home" icon-end>Button</ui5-toolbar-button>

Now, you must use the new property:

<ui5-toolbar-button end-icon="home">Button</ui5-toolbar-button>

Furhtermore, this allows the displaying of two icons - to the start and to the end:

<ui5-toolbar-button icon="employee" end-icon="home">Button</ui5-toolbar-button>



  • The ui5-bar component is now in main library.

If you previously imported the ui5-bar from fiori:

import "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/Bar.js;

Now, import the ui5-bar from main:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Bar.js";


Changed itemOldNew
Methodshow()open property
Methodclose()open property
  • The show and close public methods have been removed. Use the public property open instead.

If you previously used;

Now use the open property instead: = true;
... = false;


Changed itemOldNew
Event DetailarrowUsed, arrowsUsed, resizeseparatorsUsed, resized
  • The accessibilityTexts and accessibilityRoles properties of the ui5-flexible-column-layout have been removed.

If you previously used the accessibilityTexts or accessibilityRoles properties:

fcl.accessibilityTexts = {
startColumnAccessibleName: "Products list",
midColumnAccessibleName: "Product information",
endColumnAccessibleName: "Product detailed information",
startArrowLeftText: "Collapse products list",
startArrowRightText: "Expand products list",
endArrowLeftText: "Expand product detailed information",
endArrowRightText: "Collapse product detailed information",
startArrowContainerAccessibleName: "Start Arrow Container",
endArrowContainerAccessibleName: "End Arrow Container",

fclAccRoles.accessibilityRoles = {
startColumnRole: "complementary",
startArrowContainerRole: "navigation",
midColumnRole: "main",
endArrowContainerRole: "navigation",
endColumnRole: "complementary".

Now use accessibilityAttributes instead:

fcl.accessibilityAttributes = {
startColumn: {
role: "complementary"
name: "Products list",
midColumn: {
role: "complementary"
name: "Product information",
endColumn: {
role: "complementary"
name: "Product detailed information",
startSeparator: {
role: "navigation",
name: "Start Separator",
endSeparator: {
role: "navigation",
name: "End Separator",
  • The arrowUsed and arrowsUsed details of the layoutChange event have been replaced by the separatorsUsed detail.

If you previously used:

fcl.addEventListener("layout-change", function(e) {
const isUserInteraction = e.detail.arrowsUsed;

Now use the new parameter instead:

fcl.addEventListener("layout-change", function(e) {
const isUserInteraction = e.detail.separatorsUsed;
  • The resize parameter of the layoutChange event has been renamed to resized.

If you previously used:

fcl.addEventListener("layout-change", function(e) {
const isGlobalResize = e.detail.resize;

Now use the new name:

fcl.addEventListener("layout-change", function(e) {
const isGlobalResize = e.detail.resized;
  • The property hideArrows has been renamed to disableResizing.

If you previously used hideArrows:

<ui5-flexible-column-layout hide-arrows/>

Now use disableResizing instead:

<ui5-flexible-column-layout disable-resizing/>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The size property of the ui5-illustrated-message is renamed to design.

If you previously used the size property:

<ui5-illustrated-message size="Dialog">

Now use design instead:

<ui5-illustrated-message design="Dialog">
  • The titleLevel property has been removed and replaced by title slot allowing user-defined titles with the desired title level.

If you previously used the titleLevel property:

<ui5-illustrated-message title-level="H6></ui5-illustrated-message>

Now use the title slot and define your title and title level:

<ui5-title slot="title" level="H3">This is a slotted title</ui5-title>


Changed itemOldNew
  • The accessibilityTexts and accessibilityRoles properties of the ui5-shellbar are removed.

If you previously used the accessibilityTexts or accessibilityRoles properties:

shellbar.accessibilityTexts = {
profileButtonTitle: "John Dow",
logoTitle: "Custom logo title",

shellbar.accessibilityRoles = {
logoRole: "link"

Now use accessibilityAttributes instead:

shellbar.accessibilityAttributes = {
profile: {
name: "John Dow",
logo: {
role: "link"
name: "Custom logo title"


Changed itemOldNew
PropertywholeItemToggleableN/A (removed)
  • The wholeItemToggleable property is now removed. The functionality of clicking the whole item to show/hide the sub-items is no longer available.
  • The collapsing/expanding of the item can still be done by pressing the icon.


  • Although the ui5-list still exists, the new ui5-notification-list web component should be used as a container for ui5-li-notification and ui5-li-notification-group web components.

If you previously used notifications inside ui5-list:


Now, for better accessibility, use the ui5-notification-list instead:



Changed itemOldNew
  • The priority property of the ui5-li-notification is replaced by the new property state.

If you previously used the priority property:

<ui5-li-notification priority="Medium">

Now use state instead:

<ui5-li-notification state="Critical">
  • The busy, busyDelay properties have been renamed to loading and loadingDelay.

If you previously used the busy, busyDelay properties:

<ui5-li-notification busy busy-delay="500"></ui5-li-notification>

Now you must use loading and loadingDelay properties:

<ui5-li-notification loading loading-delay="500"></ui5-li-notification>
  • The actions slot of the ui5-li-notification is replaced by the new slot menu.

If you previously used the actions slot:

<ui5-notification-action slot="actions" icon="message-error" text="Reject">

Now use menu instead:

<ui5-menu slot="menu">
<ui5-menu-item icon="message-error" text="Reject"></ui5-menu-item>


Changed itemOldNew
PropertyshowCloseN/A (removed)
PropertyshowCounterN/A (removed)
PropertypriorityN/A (removed)
EventcloseN/A (removed)
SlotactionsN/A (removed)
  • The properties "showClose", "showCounter", "priority", the event "close" and the slot "actions" are removed and there are no alternatives provided. The NotificationGroup no longer shows a "Close" button, counter text, priority, and actions.

  • The busy and busyDelay properties have been renamed to loading and loadingDelay properties.

If you previously used the busy, busyDelay properties:

<ui5-li-notification-group busy busy-delay="500"></ui5-li-notification-group>

Now, use loading and loadingDelay instead:

<ui5-li-notification-group loading loading-delay="500"></ui5-li-notification-group>


| Changed item | Old | New
| Property | disableScrolling | noScrolling | | Property | floatingFooter | fixedFooter |

  • The disableScrolling property has been renamed to noScrolling.

If you previously used the disableScrolling property:

<ui5-page disable-scrolling> </ui5-page>

Now use noScrolling instead:

<ui5-page no-scrolling> </ui5-page>
  • The floatingFooter property has been replaced by fixedFooter to change the default behavior. By default, the footer will float

If you previously used the floatingFooter property to have a floating footer:

<ui5-page floating-footer>
<ui5-bar slot="footer" design="FloatingFooter"></ui5-bar>

Now, that is the default behavior:

<ui5-bar slot="footer" design="Footer"></ui5-bar>

Furthermore, to get a fixed footer that is always placed at the very bottom of the page, use fixedFooter instead:

<ui5-page fixed-footer>
<ui5-bar slot="footer" design="Footer"></ui5-bar>


Changed itemOldNew
Enum modevalues: SingleSelect, MultiSelect, etc.values: Single, Multiple, etc.
PropertyselectionModeno longer accepts Delete value
TS InterfaceIUploadCollectionItemUploadCollectionItem type
  • The mode property has been renamed to selectionMode. Also, the mode values have changed.

If you previously used the mode property and the SingleSelect, MultiSelect values:

<ui5-upload-collection mode="SingleSelect">
<ui5-upload-collection mode="MultiSelect">

Now use the selectionMode property and Single, Multiple values instead:

<ui5-upload-collection selection-mode="Single">
<ui5-upload-collection selection-mode="Multiple">

  • The selectionMode property no longer accepts "Delete" as a value.

If you previously used it:

<ui5-upload-collection selection-mode="Delete"></ui5-upload-collection>

Now omit it completely and use hide-delete-button on the ui5-upload-collection:

<ui5-upload-collection-item hide-delete-button> </ui5-upload-collection-item>
  • Removed the IUploadCollectionItem interface.

If you previously used the interface:

import type { IUploadCollectionItem} from "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/UploadCollection.js"

Now use the UploadCollectionItem type instead:

import type UploadCollectionItem from "@ui5/webcomponents-fiori/dist/UploadCollectionItem.js"


Changed itemOldNew
Methodshow()open property
Methodclose()open property
  • The show and close public methods have been removed. Use the public property open instead.

If you previously used:;

Now use the open property instead: = true;
... = false;


Changed itemOldNew
Event DetailchangeWithClickwithScroll property
  • The changeWithClick event detail has been renamed to withScroll.

If you previously listened for the step-change event and used the changeWithClick:

wizard.addEventListener("step-change", () => {
const stepChangedWithClick = e.detail.changeWithClick;

Now you have to use the new event name and details:

wizard.addEventListener("step-change", () => {
const stepChangedWithScroll = e.detail.withScroll;


Changed itemOldNew
  • Removed soccor icon. Use soccer instead.
  • Removed add-polygone icon. Use add-polygon instead.
  • Icons now export getPathData async method, instead of the pathData string.

If you imported the pathData, for example:

import { pathData } from "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";
console.log(pathData); // String containing the SVG path

Now, you must change your code to, for example:

import { getPathData } from "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/accept.js";
getPathData().then(pathData => {
console.log(pathData); // String containing the SVG path


Changed itemOldNew
npm init optionJavaScriptN/A (removed)
  • The JavaScript template option has been removed.

If you previously ran npm init @ui5/webcomponents-package to create a JS-based project the command will create a TypeScript-based project.

  • The TypEscript option --enable-typescript has been removed.

If you previously used npm init @ui5/webcomponents-package --enable-typescript to create a TypeScript-based project, now it's by default


Changed itemOldNew
Code DocumentationAPI.jsoncustom-elements-manifest.json
Assets fileAssets-static.jsAssets.js (dynamic)
  • The JSDoc plugin has been removed, and the generation of api.json has stopped.

If you previously relied on the {package}/dist/api.json file, now use the {package}/dist/custom-elements.json.

  • All Assets-static.js modules have been removed.

If you previously imported any Assets-static.js module from any package:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets-static.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/Assets-static.js"
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons-tnt/dist/Assets-static.js"
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons-business-suite/dist/Assets-static.js"
import "@ui5/webcomponents-localization/dist/Assets-static.js"
import "@ui5/webcomponents-theming/dist/Assets-static.js"

Now use the dynamic equivalent of it:

import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons-tnt/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-icons-business-suite/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-localization/dist/Assets.js";
import "@ui5/webcomponents-theming/dist/Assets.js"